DropDownList inside a GridView (or DataGrid)
I'm still coming up to full speed on ASP.NET, as evidenced by a conversation I had yesterday about Grids and DropDownLists and their events. In the interest of reinforcing the concepts, I've implemented a sample page and am summarizing it here to further commit it into my brain.
The page requirements:
1) Table/Grid displays a list of states (U.S. states) with a column for the state name and a column that contains a dropdown list of the state's cities.
2) Upon selecting a city, the page will display the city name (and perhaps futher lookup some information specific to the city).
The basic ASP.NET flow here is (using 2.0 here, but works similarly in 1.1 using DataGrid):
1) Create a GridView with a bound column for state and a template column for the DropDownList
2) Create a label to display the city name upon selecting it in the DropDownList.
3) Bind the GridView to an array of state objects (could be bound to many other things as well, but keeping it simple for this example). State contains properties for Name and for Cities.
4) Hookup RowCreated event on the GridView so that we can populate the cities into the particular row's DropDownList.
5) Add postback event for getting the selected city and populating the label with it.
Here's what the aspx code looks like:
And here's the code behind:
This code should be more defensive with null checking, type checking and exception handling in place. But, you get the idea of the general work flow (and now, so do I).
A couple of points that I'd like to highlight:
- AutoPostBack is required on the DropDownList in order to submit the page immediatlely opon selecting an item. For some reason I thought if the event was there, that was all that was needed (time to come out of my WinForms haze).
- Use the FindControl() method to grab a reference to the DropDown.
- In this case RowCreated or RowDataBound would work for binding the DropDownList. If you needed the State name to lookup cities, you would need to use RowDataBound. However in this case, since the object we're bound to already has the cities, RowCreated works fine too.
The page requirements:
1) Table/Grid displays a list of states (U.S. states) with a column for the state name and a column that contains a dropdown list of the state's cities.
2) Upon selecting a city, the page will display the city name (and perhaps futher lookup some information specific to the city).
The basic ASP.NET flow here is (using 2.0 here, but works similarly in 1.1 using DataGrid):
1) Create a GridView with a bound column for state and a template column for the DropDownList
2) Create a label to display the city name upon selecting it in the DropDownList.
3) Bind the GridView to an array of state objects (could be bound to many other things as well, but keeping it simple for this example). State contains properties for Name and for Cities.
4) Hookup RowCreated event on the GridView so that we can populate the cities into the particular row's DropDownList.
5) Add postback event for getting the selected city and populating the label with it.
Here's what the aspx code looks like:
<asp:GridView ID="gvStates" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
runat="server" OnRowCreated="gvStates_RowCreated">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="State" DataField="Name" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Cities">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCities"
AutoPostBack="true" runat="server"
<asp:Label ID="lblCity" runat="server" Text="Label">
And here's the code behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// Create states array and bind it to Grid
ArrayList states = new ArrayList();
string[] cities =
new string[] { "Portland", "Salem", "Eugene" };
State state = new State("OR", cities);
cities =
new string[] { "Seattle", "Tacoma", "Olympia" };
state = new State("WA", cities);
this.gvStates.DataSource = states;
protected void gvStates_RowCreated(object sender,
GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
// Bind drop down to cities
DropDownList ddl =
ddl.DataSource = ((State)e.Row.DataItem).Cities;
protected void ddlCities_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,
EventArgs e)
this.lblCity.Text = ((DropDownList)sender).SelectedValue;
This code should be more defensive with null checking, type checking and exception handling in place. But, you get the idea of the general work flow (and now, so do I).
A couple of points that I'd like to highlight:
- AutoPostBack is required on the DropDownList in order to submit the page immediatlely opon selecting an item. For some reason I thought if the event was there, that was all that was needed (time to come out of my WinForms haze).
- Use the FindControl() method to grab a reference to the DropDown.
- In this case RowCreated or RowDataBound would work for binding the DropDownList. If you needed the State name to lookup cities, you would need to use RowDataBound. However in this case, since the object we're bound to already has the cities, RowCreated works fine too.
Still not working yaar !!!
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM
the key to making this work is to have the if(!Page.IsPostBack) on page load.
If you don't have this - it wouldn't work.
Anonymous, at 5:23 PM
thnx for the code..
if i wanna update a field(here dropdownlist selectedvalue* textbox's chanegd text) and send it to as a parameter to an
SP(when i click the update command buton inside the gridview)0 what code shud i write inside the row_updating () event ?
i am having a dropddownlistas a template field inside a gridview & textbox also as a temlate ina different column.
how can i update the value sin the DBase whel te user selects a item inside the combo & changed the text inside the tetbox?
plz giev me the code..
Anonymous, at 8:13 AM
"please give me the code" hahaha.. man for some reason that just seems so rude.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
Hi. I would like to know when the item index is changed, how would i get the gridview Row ID?
Anonymous, at 6:00 AM
can u plz explain for dropdownlist inside a datagrid ?
Anonymous, at 6:22 PM
An EXCELLENT Code!!!!!
I've walked through a lot of articles/tutorials/videos/examples and this was the BEST!
It is short, simple and gets to the point. BOOM! you nailed it!
Unknown, at 11:47 AM
I looked through the codes, and WTF?
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
I am getting an error when i create an instance of "State" like in the code
string[] cities = new string[] { "Portland", "Salem", "Eugene" };
State states = new State("OR", cities);
Anonymous, at 11:21 AM
Code is ok however not very much clear
Anonymous, at 2:30 AM
hi i also problem at this point blow code
Array states = new Array();
string[] cities = new string[] { "Portland", "Salem", "Eugene" };
State state = new State("OR", cities);
rakeshpatil, at 2:02 AM
the code for the State class is missing, i can't get to work this example o seaa
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM
Who can explain for me "State" is?
Nguyễn Ngọc Việt, at 8:50 PM
Error 1 The type or namespace name 'State' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\Documents and Settings\dneelands\My Documents\Team Projects\LunchGenie3\test.aspx.cs 25 13 C:\...\LunchGenie3\
Please define the State object?
Anonymous, at 8:38 AM
You could also make use of a hidden control in the page (and in this case an update panel) as part of the data source, so when the page 'reloads' it has the necessary parameter to populate the second dropdown with less actual coding required. (ajax is optional)
In the aspx file...
ok... take 2 no asp scripting can be posted in comments... You are going to get the watered down version. (use your imagination to figure out where the tags begin and end :-)
asp:SqlDataSource ID="UniqueMenusDataSource" runat="server"
SelectCommand="SELECT distinct [menu] FROM [Menus] WHERE [screen] = ?"
asp:SessionParameter Name="?" SessionField="CurrentClientID" Type="Int32"
asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtBoxMenuGroup" Name="?" PropertyName="Text"
asp:DropDownList ID="MenuGroupScreensDropdown" runat="server" DataSourceID="UniqueScreensDataSource" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="MenuGroupScreensDropdown_SelectedIndexChanged"
asp:TextBox ID="txtBoxMenuGroup" runat="server"
asp:DropDownList ID="MenusDropDown" runat="server" DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="UniqueMenusDataSource"
DataTextField="menu" DataValueField="menu" Width="88px"
In the code behind:
protected void MenuGroupScreensDropdown_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtBoxMenuGroup.Text = MenuGroupScreensDropdown.SelectedValue;
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Greg McKone, at 9:19 PM
Here is the State Class
public class State
private string _Name;
private string[] _Cities;
public State(string name, string[] cities)
_Name = name;
_Cities = cities;
public string Name
get{ return _Name;}
public string[] Cities
get{ return _Cities;}
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Anonymous, at 8:10 AM
i have used the same as like u but i have written it on Gridview_RoDataBound ie: the Selectedindex_ChangeEvent works on Localhost but the same was not working on Live , when i upload it on server ??
Why ??
Any solution
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Array states = new Array();
string[] cities = new string[] { "Portland", "Salem", "Eugene" };
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Thanks a lot, I had been trying to bind it in RowBound event but the FindControl didn't work, this really helped me!!
Casiel, at 10:55 AM
if you want use this with PostBack just use this
if (e.Row.DataItem == null)
after you find a dropdownlist and before you set DataSource
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